Thursday, August 19, 2010

I Need Your Help!!!

New picture - without flash
with flash

(click picture to zoom in)

I am not sure which tile to choose... I've decided on the big 20", but not sure which color.  I took a picture of the two tile colors I've narrowed it down to so you could see what they look like next to the cream-colored couch.  I'd love to go with a darker grout because light grout tends to get darker in areas and with the darker grout I wouldn't have to steam clean it as often, so I'm kind of leaning toward the darker tile....  however, they are both beautiful... I'm stuck.  What do you think??

Which color tile?
1 - Light
2 - Dark


1 comment:

  1. omg Dark? no way! it will look outdated as the years go one! Plus it will make the room look dark. Always go lighter they say to do that with hair color too. Youll never regret it!
