Saturday, August 14, 2010

California Knockdown

Mom scraping away old popcorn ceiling!  (8/5)
Another day off from work...
(they seem to be so few and far between)...
So much to do, so little time!
I'm heading over to the house in a little bit to help dad install the well water pump for the sprinkler system...  Then help him move the gigantic wall unit (which is bolted to the wall) so we can do flooring soon.


All cleaned up.  She was so proud :)  (and sore!)

Ready for the knock down spray (8/12)

My first pineapple off of one of the 3 pineapple plants!! (Thanks Laurie)

Knockdown texture!  Sooo pretty.... can't wait to see it painted!  (8/13)

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