Saturday, September 11, 2010

Uneven Concrete... Boo.

Apparently the disgusting carpet that we tore out covered and hid a very "wavy" concrete floor beneath it...  Dad spent a good hour on jack hammering one corner of the living room to get it even with the rest of the floor.  He will have to pour self-leveling concrete in certain areas so when the tile is laid it is a nice even surface.

The bubble is way to the right and look at that gap.... No good!!

I volunteer to help keep the dust down with the vacuum while dad slices into the concrete

Lots of tile waiting to be laid!!!  It is porcelain made by Dal-Tile and gorgeous!!

When we get the white trim in it will look incredible...

Sorry to all of those who voted on the tile; once I had put both the light and dark tile up against the paint I panicked because they both looked terrible....  This Dal-tile was on sale at Home Depot so with a little convincing from dad I decided to go with it.  You can't tell from the picture but the beige in the tile matches the paint perfectly.

Excited this is finally happening!!

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