Thursday, July 29, 2010

Closing Day - Part 2... Okay, It's Hit Me :o)

I'm a homeowner.... heh.  Typing that made me smile.
Everything went smoothly; quick and simple...  A few signatures and that's it...  Now the REAL fun begins.
I'm starting with:  a washing machine, a couch, and pots and pans.  I need, um, pretty much everything else.  :o)
I won't be moving in for a while so in the meantime if you have any suggestions of where to get affordable house bits please let me know. (especially a TV to start...!  Oh, a bed would be good too...)

This is a HUGE step in the right direction for me.  The past few years haven't been the greatest and finally an accomplishment to be proud of.  Thanks to mom and dad for all your help, too!  I know dad's looking forward to making this his new project...  Helps having a general contractor for a father :o)

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