Saturday, August 28, 2010

Paint Update!

I'm exhausted...

Just got back from tearing off all the plastic and tape from everything not painted, shop-vaccing the entire house, and helping dad remove all the closet doors.  It took about 45 minutes to un-tape everything... I can only imagine how long it took for the painters to tape it up!!!


After  :o)

I am SO pleased with the paint color

It will look better when I paint a couple accent walls (dark brown to the left)

Thursday, August 26, 2010


I swung by the house last night to see how the paint looked and... WHAT?!  PEACH!?  I didn't want peach!  I clearly ordered "smeared" which is a classy taupe color....  I had a minor freak out moment...  and when I went by again tonight it looked MUCH less peach...  I'm happy with it.  I'm assuming it took some time to cure more which could have affected the color since when I saw PEACH they had just finished painting it hours prior.

After all that deciding with the tile (I decided to go with dark, sorry Meggo) now that I have the two tiles up against the freshly painted walls, I don't like either.  My dad got me a decent price on some stone tile (yummy) from a buddy of his, so I really want to go with that if I can afford it.  Thank you for voting anyway :o)  There will be more polls to come, I'm sure.

Pictures also coming soon!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

I Need Your Help!!!

New picture - without flash
with flash

(click picture to zoom in)

I am not sure which tile to choose... I've decided on the big 20", but not sure which color.  I took a picture of the two tile colors I've narrowed it down to so you could see what they look like next to the cream-colored couch.  I'd love to go with a darker grout because light grout tends to get darker in areas and with the darker grout I wouldn't have to steam clean it as often, so I'm kind of leaning toward the darker tile....  however, they are both beautiful... I'm stuck.  What do you think??

Which color tile?
1 - Light
2 - Dark


Saturday, August 14, 2010

Playing with Power Tools

Hmm.... This will do for now.... but...

Power tools are where it's at  ;o)

Dad worked hard to get all the trim off while I took off all the outlet covers... with a screwdriver.  boo.

California Knockdown

Mom scraping away old popcorn ceiling!  (8/5)
Another day off from work...
(they seem to be so few and far between)...
So much to do, so little time!
I'm heading over to the house in a little bit to help dad install the well water pump for the sprinkler system...  Then help him move the gigantic wall unit (which is bolted to the wall) so we can do flooring soon.


All cleaned up.  She was so proud :)  (and sore!)

Ready for the knock down spray (8/12)

My first pineapple off of one of the 3 pineapple plants!! (Thanks Laurie)

Knockdown texture!  Sooo pretty.... can't wait to see it painted!  (8/13)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Bye-bye Popcorn Ceiling

Well, it's become apparent to me that the previous tenants were heavy smokers.  There were areas of yellow popcorn...  right over about where a couch would go... and most of the popcorn actually smelled like smoke.  Not judging any smokers out there, but for this asthmatic it's just no good.

Now that the popcorn is gone, the ceilings are being prepped for a knockdown texture today.  Once I get the old carpet out of the garage (hopefully today) I'll be able to clean it and have it painted so I can move all the house bits that are accumulating in my parents house into the nice clean garage :o)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Carpet, Tile, and Wood... Oh My!!


This is the current project.  Now that the carpet is out, it's time to pick out what I'm going to use for flooring.  A month ago, I had already decided on wood in the bedrooms, and tile (big gigantic tile) in the rest of the house.  I went 'tile and wood hunting' with mom today and I've found my big gigantic tile at Home Depot, and as for the wood, I am going to look around at some more places because it's very expensive.  The first sample I picked up and fell in love with was $11.99 a sq foot.... HA..... Not happening.  I did not know what kind of look I wanted until going to a couple stores today and I learned that I like that wood that has light and dark contrasts but on the lighter side.  So pretty.  And laminate is out.  Before today, I didn't know the difference between the look of laminate and wood.... Like whoa.  Big difference.  So I'll fork out the extra money for wood.

I've been getting house bits delivered to my parent's house almost daily... They just delivered an area rug I had ordered for the dining room.... I have my vacuum, Tupperware set, pyrex glass baking set, towels....etc.... Picking everything out is more exciting than I thought it would be :o)  And being the bargain hunter I am, I'm saving a ton of money at the same time which is equally as exciting.

My dad's buddy has been at the house patching up all the holes in the walls so next step is picking out paint... which is a REALLY hard decision.  I have a beautiful "dusty rose"-colored duvet set for my bed (when I finally purchase one) and I'd like the master bedroom paint to match the comforter...  The extra bedrooms, I'm not sure.  I want a red room, because that's different and fun... and I'm not sure about the 3rd room.  Lots of decisions!

More pics coming soon!!!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Tearing Out Carpet - Done.

After about an hour of cutting and tearing out the carpet (which was old and disgusting by the way) the house smells so much better.  That old musty smell is definitely going away...  Having the air running for a few days has helped with that, too.  Mom and dad did most of the work; this asthmatic girl stayed outside as much as possible as to not breathe in much dust.  Ty never did show up...  Maybe he will when we start painting.

You can see all the dust in this picture...yummy