Thursday, October 21, 2010

Moving Day =)

What a day...  The painters finished painting everything yesterday so I was able to move a lot of my things to the house today on my day off.  I'm exhausted!  It's all coming together so nicely :o)  Should be moved in by Saturday.

Pictures soon!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

October Update!!

I can't believe it's been almost a month since I've last updated!!  So much has gotten done since my last update.  The tile is finished.... After days upon days of tiling on uneven concrete, dad finished the tile which looks GREAT.  Dad did an incredible job.  The wood in the master bedroom is finished as well and the baseboard is installed... (LOOKS SO GOOD!)  all that's left for now is hanging the chandelier in the dining room (Not just any old chandelier... THE chandelier.... I waited and waited for it go to on sale and I bought it at 50% off!!) and touching up the paint.  I should be moving in at some point next week :)

Tile looks amazing......


Filling in the laundry room which had a silly 2 inch drop

MANY more pics coming soon :)